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No Time to Die
Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 - Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena - SOPRAN
Somewhere Only We Know
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
I Put a Spell on You
You Are The Reason (Mit Klavierpartitur, mittlere Stufe)
You Are So Beautiful
Don't Stop Believin'
True Colors
...Baby One More Time
Hercules - Go the Distance
Tears in Heaven
Chasing Cars
La Vie En Rose
Masse in H-Moll, BWV 232
Endless Love
A Star Is Born - Shallow (Leichte Stufe, Gitarrenbegl. mit Gesang und Orchester)
Trolls - Can't Stop the Feeling!
Drei Lieder, Opus 7 – Nr. 1 Après un rêve - MEZZOSOPRAN
Little Drummer Boy
Sabor A Mi
Virtual Insanity
Yérushalayim shèl zahav
Before You Go
Counting Stars
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Je l'aime à mourir