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Hip-Hop, Fácil/Intermedio n.° 2 (Jay-Z, Empire State of Mind)
Open Your Eyes (Advanced Level)
Metal, Intermedio n.° 2 (Staind, Outside)
Change (In the House of Flies) (Nivel Intermedio)
Pop-Rock, Fácil n.° 9 (Lene Marlin, Sitting Down Here)
Perfect (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Every Day Is Exactly The Same (Nivel Intermedio)
R'n'B, Intermedio/Avanzado n.° 1 (Naughty Boy, Runnin’ - Lose it all)
Metal, Fácil/Intermedio n.° 2 (Nine Inch Nails, Hand That Feeds)
Hey Joe (Easy Level)
Living in the Past (Intermediate Level)
Our Truth (Easy/Intermediate Level)
With a Little Help from my Friends (Nivel Fácil)
Learn To Fly (Beginner Level)
Damn Right, I've Got the Blues (Nivel Intermedio)
All my Friends Say (Nivel Fácil)
Everything I Do, I Do It For You (Nivel Intermedio/Avanzado)
The Dark (Nivel Fácil)
Pop-Rock, Avanzado Superior n.° 2 (Michael Jackson, Thriller)
Personal Jesus (Advanced Level)
Knights of Cydonia (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
The Spirit Carries On (Nivel Avanzado)
Run to You (Intermediate Level)
Diamonds (Nivel Fácil/Intermedio)
Pop-Rock, Intermedio n.° 9 (Liquido, Narcotic)
Don't Look Back in Anger (Nivel Principiante)
Good Time - Original Version (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Pop-Rock, Principiante n.° 5 (Jain, Makeba)
Pop-Rock, Fácil n.° 14 (White Town, Your Woman)
Corrine, Corrina - Versión Original (Nivel Intermedio)