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Believer (초급)
Uptown Funk (쉬움)
초급자, 1강 (올 세인츠, Pure Shores)
Bring Me To Life - 원곡 (고급)
Dream On -원곡 버전(중급)
Can't Stop -원곡 버전(고급)
Numb (중급)
In The Air Tonight - 원곡 (고급)
Billie Jean (초급자)
Eye of the Tiger (초급)
We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions (초급)
Enter Sandman - 원곡 버전 (고급)
Shape Of My Heart -원곡 버전(중급)
Nothing Else Matters (쉬움)
Wish You Were Here -원곡 버전(중급)
Sunday Bloody Sunday - 원곡 (고급)
In the End (중급)
Creep (고급)
Have You Ever Seen the Rain? -원곡 버전 (중급)
Superstition (쉬움)
I Love Rock 'n' Roll - 원곡 (중급)
Wonderwall (쉬움/중급)
Africa (쉬움)
Billie Jean (중급)
Eye of the Tiger (중급)
In The Air Tonight (중급)
Can't Stop (중급)
Yellow (쉬움)
Come as You Are (중급)