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We’re Not Gonna Take It (매우 쉬움)
Open Your Eyes (초급)
The Trooper - 원곡 (숙련자) - 짧은 버전
Mr. Crowley (쉬움/중급)
Stranded (쉬움)
Shimmer (고급)
Faster (쉬움)
Cowboys from Hell (쉬움/중급)
Know Your Enemy (초급자)
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (초급자)
Cowboys from Hell (초급자)
Cowboys from Hell (중급/고급)
I'm Broken (초급자)
Outside (초급자)
Shimmer (쉬움)
Our Truth (쉬움/중급)
Our Truth (고급)
Cemetery Gates (쉬움)
Cowboys from Hell (쉬움)
Mouth for War (초급자)
Mouth for War (쉬움)
Send the Pain Below (Intermediate Level)
Change (In the House of Flies) (초급)
Ich Will (초급자)
Faster (초급자)
Mr. Crowley (쉬움)
We’re Not Gonna Take It (중급/고급)