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Tomplay 인터렉티브 악보

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Tomplay 다운로드 아이패드, 아이폰 , 안드로이드용

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피아니스트 매거진 인터내셔녈 에디션

피아니스트 매거진 인터내셔녈 에디션

마이크 가슨 데이빗 보위의 피아니스트

마이크 가슨 데이빗 보위의 피아니스트

주마에인 스미스 마이클 부블레의 트럼펫 연주자

주마에인 스미스 마이클 부블레의 트럼펫 연주자

“Tomplay is the application that my students were missing. The possibility to play with orchestral accompaniments or with the piano allows for a listening exercise that cannot be matched!”

Nelly Loustau , France

“How often do pianists have the chance to play accompanied by an orchestra? Tomplay is a fantastic resource offering just that opportunity – great fun and educational too.”

Sandy Holland, United Kingdom

“Tomplay is an excellent resource for my intermediate-level piano students. It is engaging, exciting, and a wonderful chance for my students to get a taste of a new kind of ensemble playing!”

Edmee, Canada

“It is hard to imagine my life as a teacher and YouTube creator without Tomplay. It brought to my cello students an excitement of new music discovery and convenience of having unlimited rehearsing time with accompaniment. All videos with Tomplay have become instant hits on my channel.”

Maxim Kozlov, Cellopedia, United States

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