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Stenka Razin
The House of the Rising Sun
Clarinete Polka
Oh Danny Boy
We shall not be moved
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Odeon – Tango Brasileiro
Rheinlander Polka
Orfeu no Inferno, Ato II - Can-Can
Das Dreigespann (Troika)
Old Folks at Home (Swanee River)
Muss I denn zum Städtele hinaus
Qué Hacés Chamberguito?
Freut euch des Lebens (Life Let Us Cherish)
In einem kühlen Grunde
Tzur Chassidi
Blow Thy Horn Hunter
The Sky is Blue and White (Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen)
The Barley Break
Moravian Folk Song No. 1
The Rune of the Weaver
Heaving the Anchor
A Rose There Bloomed
Dermot O'Dowd
Sailor's Song
The Rakes O'Mallow
The English Dancing Master - Dance