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장바구니가 비어 있습니다

저희는 웹사이트와 귀하의 경험을 개선시키기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다 . 이 사이트를 계속 이용함으로써 귀하는 저희의 개인정보처리방침 에 동의하시게 됩니다 .

A musical term to describe the speed or pace of music.

There are two ways to indicate tempo:

1. Give a specific number of beats per minute (BPM)/metronome speed.

2. Write a tempo term, usually in Italian, which gives not only the speed, but also suggests the character of the piece: for example, the term lento refers to a slow piece of music with a more sombre character, whereas terms like allegro and prestissimo refer to a fast piece of music with a lively and light character. It is also possible to have both a BPM/metronome speed and a tempo term.

As a rule of thumb, modern music such as pop and rock songs tend to use BPM, whereas classical music will more often use tempo terms.

On the sheet music, the BPM or tempo term can be found above the stave of the first bar of the piece.
