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Heaving the Anchor
A Rose There Bloomed
Dermot O'Dowd
Sailor's Song
The Rakes O' Mallow
The English Dancing Master - Dance
Finnish Folk Song (Canção Folclórica Finlandesa)
Hatikvah (Hino Nacional de Israel)
Don't Leave Me (Gipsy Romance)
One Kitten, Two Kittens
The March of the Men of Harlech
The Londonderry Air
The Devil Among the Tailors
Scotland the Brave
Hungarian Romance - The Sleigh Ride
Wind, Tell My Sweetheart (Canção Cigana)
Riding on a Donkey
Moravian Folk Song No. 2
The Apple from the Orchard
Sweet Kitty
The Fascinator
The Black Cat Rag
Scarborough Fair (Nível Iniciante)
Scarborough Fair (Nível Muito Fácil)
Scarborough Fair (Nível Fácil)
Scarborough Fair (Nível Fácil/Intermediário)
Scarborough Fair (Nível Intermediário)
Scarborough Fair (Nível Intermediário/Avançado)
Scarborough Fair (Nível Avançado)