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Scarborough Fair (Intermediate Level)
Danse Macabre (Celtic)
A la Nanita Nana
Scarborough Fair (with Piano Accompaniment)
Scarborough Fair (Upper Advanced Level)
May Song
Gaily the Troubadour
Lightly Row (Beginner Level)
Oats and Beans
Tabhair dom do Lamh (Celtic)
Scotland the Brave
O Come, Little Children
Song of the Wind
Hop, hop, hop !
Molly Malone (Intermediate Level)
The Mexican Hat Dance
Scarborough Fair (Easy-Intermediate Level)
Scarborough Fair (Intermediate-Advanced Level)
Chante et danse la boheme
Cielito Lindo (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Scarborough Fair (Advanced Level)
Blarney Pilgrim
Don't Leave Me (Gipsy Romance)
Wind, Tell My Sweetheart (Gypsy Song)