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Savoir aimer (Voice Florent Pagny, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Tears in Heaven (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Titanic - The Portrait (Easy Level)
The Prince of Egypt - When You Believe (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Nothing Else Matters (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Mary, Did You Know? (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Everything I Do, I Do It For You (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
What's Up (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Tarzan - You'll Be In My Heart (Beginner Level, Solo Piano)
You (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) (Voice Billy Joel, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Rush - Tears in Heaven (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Tarzan - You'll Be In My Heart (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Beauty and the Beast (Beginner Level, Solo Piano) - Short version
Shape Of My Heart (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
...Baby One More Time (Voice Britney Spears, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Saving Private Ryan - Hymn to the Fallen (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
I Will Always Love You (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Let Me Entertain You (Voice Robbie Williams, Piano comp. and Orchestra)
Everybody Hurts (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
What's Up (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Wonderwall (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Evita - Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Sister Act - I Will Follow Him (Upper Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
I Will Always Love You (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Angel (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)
Lucie (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) (Advanced Level, Solo Piano)