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The Addams Family - Main Theme (Intermediate Level)
Spirited Away - One Summer's Day (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Horizon Zero Dawn - City on the Mesa (Part 3 - Onwards To Meridian) (Intermediate Level)
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Main Theme (Beginner Level)
Beauty and the Beast (Very Easy Level)
Switching Voices
James Bond - Dr. No (MTB Exam version)
Ballade en tièrce
The Snowman - Walking in the Air (Intermediate Level)
Sherlock - Waltz for John and Mary
Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind (Very Easy Level) - Short version
Miroir décalé
Soleil printanier
The Legend of Zelda - Song of Storms (Easy Level)
Coco - Remember Me (Beginner Level)
La Boum - Reality (Advanced Level)
Pas par Pas
Jeu de quartes
Mission: Impossible - Theme (Version 1, Upper Advanced)
Moana - How Far I'll Go (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Coco - Remember Me (Easy Level)
Encanto - Dos Oruguitas (Intermediate Level)
Mission: Impossible - Theme (Version 2, Intermediate Level)
Die Biene Maja (Maya the Bee) (Very Easy Level)
Beauty and the Beast (Beginner Level)