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Ave Maria (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace (Violin 1)
Cavalleria Rusticana – Intermezzo (Violin 1)
Erbarme dich, mein Gott, BWV 244 (Intermediate Level)
Ave Maria (Easy Level)
Cavalleria Rusticana - Intermezzo (Violin 2)
Dido and Aeneas - When I Am Laid in Earth (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Erbarme dich, mein Gott, BWV 244 (Easy Level)
Amazing Grace (Violin 2)
The Western Wynde Mass - Gloria - Theme
Dido and Aeneas - When I Am Laid in Earth (Easy Level)
Vespro della Beata Vergine, SV 206 : Magnificat
Dido and Aeneas - When I Am Laid in Earth (Very Easy Level)