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Way Down We Go (Intermediate Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Mad World (Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Wasting My Young Years (Beginner Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Wasting My Young Years (Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Wasting My Young Years (Advanced Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
Infinity 2008 (Very Easy Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
Infinity 2008 (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Infinity 2008 (Easy/Intermediate Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
People Help The People (Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Infinity 2008 (Beginner Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
I'll Stand By You (Advanced Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Living (Very Easy Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Living (Very Easy Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Living (Easy Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Living (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Living (Very Easy Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
Living (Intermediate Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
Marvin Gaye (Beginner Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Prayer In C (Advanced Level, Acoustic accompaniment Guitar
Perfect (Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Perfect (Very Easy Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Perfect (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Tadow (Very Easy Level, Electric Guitar comp. and Orchestra)
Tadow (Intermediate Level, Electric Guitar comp. and Orchestra)
Tadow (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Electric Guitar comp. and Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Easy/Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Intermediate/Advanced Level, with Orchestra)