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Infinity 2008 (Advanced Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
Infinity 2008 (Intermediate Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Infinity 2008 (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Infinity 2008 (Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Infinity 2008 (Intermediate Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Sing for Absolution (Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)
I'll Stand By You (Very Easy Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
I'll Stand By You (Easy Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
I'll Stand By You (Advanced Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Marvin Gaye (Very Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Marvin Gaye (Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Marvin Gaye (Easy/Intermediate Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Marvin Gaye (Advanced Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Marvin Gaye (Intermediate Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Marvin Gaye (Advanced Level, Solo Acoustic Guitar)
Marvin Gaye (Very Easy Level, Solo Electric Guitar)
Marvin Gaye (Intermediate Level, Acoustic Guitar with Band)
Perfect (Very Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Perfect (Easy/Intermediate Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Come Away With Me (Beginner Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Come Away With Me (Very Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
Come Away With Me (Easy Level, Electric Guitar with Band)
On écrit sur les murs (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Solo Guitar)
The Less I Know the Better (Very Easy Level, Rhythm Guitar)
Welcome to the Black Parade (Intermediate Level, Lead Guitar)