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Paris en colère (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Riche (Easy Level, Free Bass Accordion with Orchestra)
Riche (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Armstrong (Very Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
Ballade irlandaise (un oranger) (Beginner Level, Solo Accordion)
On écrit sur les murs (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
J'ai demandé à la lune (Advanced Level, Solo Accordion)
Mon amant de Saint-Jean (Easy Level, Free Bass Accordion with Orchestra)
Les Champs-Élysées (Intermediate Level, Solo Free Bass Accordion)
Mistral Gagnant (Advanced Level, Solo Accordion)
Riche (Easy Level, Solo Free Bass Accordion)
Riche (Very Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
Riche (Easy Level, Solo Accordion)
Riche (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
Un homme debout (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Un homme debout (Intermediate Level, Free Bass Accordion with Orchestra)
Armstrong (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Armstrong (Intermediate Level, with Orchestra)
On écrit sur les murs (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Le Sud (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Le Sud (Intermediate Level, Solo Accordion)
Le Sud (Intermediate Level, Free Bass Accordion with Orchestra)
La Vie en Rose (Intermediate Level, Solo Free Bass Accordion)
Mon amant de Saint-Jean (Intermediate Level, Solo Free Bass Accordion)
Comme d'habitude (Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Les Champs-Élysées (Intermediate Level, Free Bass Accordion with Orchestra)
Mistral Gagnant (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Ma préférence (Advanced Level, with Orchestra)
Riche (Beginner Level, Solo Accordion)