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A la Nanita Nana
Riding on a Donkey
Abi Gezunt
Don't Leave Me (Gipsy Romance)
Land of Hope and Glory
El Condor Pasa
Heaving the Anchor
Rocky Road to Dublin (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
The Hundred Pipers (Easy Level)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (Easy Level)
J'ai du bon tabac (I Have Good Tobacco) (Clarinet 1)
O Holy Night (Beginner Level, Jumaane Smith version)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Easy Level)
Se canto (Clarinet 3)
Kimigayo - Japan National Anthem (Easy Level)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (Easy/Intermediate Level)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Beginner Level)
Above All (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Angels We Have Heard on High (Very Easy Level)
Sweet Kitty
Oh! Susanna (Clarinet 3)
Home of the Range (Clarinet 3)
Above All (Easy Level)
Seven Drunken Nights (Intermediate/Advanced Level)