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Piano Sonata No. 5 in G major, Hob.XVI:11 - I. Presto
Wolsey's Wilde
Frösöblomster – No. 1 Sommarsång (Song of Summer)
Trumpet Tune
Go Down Moses
Dido and Aeneas - Ah! Belinda
Don Pasquale - Bella Siccome Un Angelo (Beautiful Like an Angel)
A Plain Song
The Duke of York's March
Campanae Parisienses
Divertimento in C major, K.188 – II. Allegro
Lamento d'Arianna
Shepherd's Hey
The Fascinator
2 German Dances, D. 783, Opus 33 (No. 9 and No. 2)
Ladybird, Ladybird
Jesusita en Chihuahua
Album for the Young, Opus 68, Book I - No. 10 The Merry Peasant
Spring Dance - Nordic folk dance No. 5, Opus 3
Funiculì funiculà
Abigail Judge
Das Blümchen Wunderhold, Opus 52 No. 8
The Honeybee
By the Beautiful Sea
Lied ohne Worte (Song Without Words)