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Rocky Road to Dublin (Beginner Level)
Oh My Darling, Clementine (Easy Level)
Oye Como Va (Beginner Level)
Klezmeron (Klezmer, Very Easy Level)
Jesusita en Chihuahua
We shall not be moved
Tzur Chassidi
Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus
Moravian Folk Song No. 1
A Rose There Bloomed
Moravian Folk Song No. 2
Riding on a Donkey
American Patrol (Easy/Intermediate Level)
The Hundred Pipers (Very Easy Level)
The Hundred Pipers (Easy Level)
In einem kühlen Grunde
Blow Thy Horn Hunter
Sailor's Song
The Apple from the Orchard
Ladybird, Ladybird
Oh! Susanna (Flute 2)
Home of the Range (Flute 2)
Home of the Range (Flute 3)
By the Clear Fountain (Flute 2)
Água de Beber (Easy Level)
Molly Malone (Beginner Level)
Das Dreigespann (Troika)
The Barley Break