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Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Si amas (Uruguayan Folk Song) (Easy/Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)
Dicey Reilly (Irish Folk Song) (Beginner Level, Solo Guitar)
Merrily Danced the Quaker's Wife (Scottish Folk Song) (Very Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
The Peddlers (Коробейники, Russian Folk Song) (Very Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Vals Venezolano (Very Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Albumblätter für die Jugend, Op. 101 - No. 6 Schlummerlied (Slumber Song) (Very Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Albumblätter für die Jugend, Op. 101 - No. 6 Schlummerlied (Slumber Song) (Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
As I went to Walsingham (Easy Level, Solo Guitar)
Go From My Window - Original Version (Intermediate Level, Solo Guitar)