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Bessarabianke (Klezmer, Advanced Level)
Joy to the World (Very Easy Level, Mike Garson version)
Tu scendi dalle stelle (Very Easy Level, Solo Piano)
O Holy Night (Intermediate Level, Voice, Piano comp.) - German lyrics
Lightly Row
A Ladybug
Don't Leave Me (Gipsy Romance) (accompaniment part)
The Mexican Hat Dance (teacher-student)
Three Blind Mice (teacher-student)
Angels We Have Heard on High (accompaniment part in G major)
O Christmas Tree Jazzy (Easy/Intermediate Level)
God Save the King/Queen - British National Anthem (Easy Level, Solo Piano)
God Save the King/Queen - British National Anthem (Intermediate Level, Solo Piano)
Alter Bulgar (Klezmer)
The Yellow Rose of Texas (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Good Morning to You (teacher-student)
Avremi der Marvikher (Klezmer)
Cathedral Bells
Moishele Mayn Fraynd (Klezmer)
Polish Dance
Row, Row, Row Your Boat