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Uri Tzion (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
Zemer Atik (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Easy)
Ki Mitziyon (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
Vehaeir Eineinu (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Very Easy)
The Sound of Safed (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
The Sound of Safed (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Intermediate)
The Blessing Nigun (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Intermediate)
Three Little Birds (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Corazon Espinado (Easy/Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
La Bamba (Beginner Level, Tenor Sax)
Scarborough Fair (Beginner Level, Tenor Sax)
Pata Pata (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
Oye Como Va (Beginner Level, Soprano Sax)
Rocky Road to Dublin (Beginner Level, Soprano Sax)
Klezmeron (Klezmer, Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
The House of The Rising Sun (Easy Level, Tenor Sax)
The House of the Rising Sun (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
The Hundred Pipers (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
By the Beautiful Sea (Tenor Sax)
Freilechs von der Chuppe (Tenor Sax)
We shall not be moved (Tenor Sax)
Freut euch des Lebens (Life Let Us Cherish) (Tenor Sax)
Qué Hacés Chamberguito? (Tenor Sax)
The Sky is Blue and White (Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen) (Tenor Sax)
The Rune of the Weaver (Alto Saxophone)
Dermot O'Dowd (Tenor Sax)
The Rakes O' Mallow (Tenor Sax)