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Stand By Me (Beginner Level) - Short version (MTB Exam version)
I Will Survive (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Still Loving You (Intermediate Level)
Rocket Man (Intermediate Level)
All You Need Is Love (Intermediate Level)
Wonderwall (Intermediate Level)
Eleanor Rigby (Intermediate Level)
The Snowman - Walking in the Air (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Tornero (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Please Come Home For Christmas (Intermediate Level)
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) (Intermediate Level)
Let Me Entertain You (Advanced Level)
Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Gangsta's Paradise (Intermediate Level)
Leave the Door Open (Intermediate Level)
Girls Like You (Intermediate Level)
Locked Out of Heaven (Advanced Level)
Jungleland (Intermediate Level)
Daughters (Advanced Level)
Rolling in the Deep (Easy Level)
We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) (Advanced Level)
Easy Lover (Advanced Level)
Sapore di sale (Intermediate Level)
Here I Go Again (Intermediate Level)
Dernière danse (Intermediate Level)
What's Going On (Advanced Level)
What's Up (Intermediate Level)
Mad World (Intermediate/Advanced Level)