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Petit Pays (Intermediate Level)
Qué Hacés Chamberguito?
A Rose There Bloomed
Hungarian Romance - The Sleigh Ride
Salsa (Advanced Level)
Kingston Town (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Kingston Town (Advanced Level)
Klezmeron (Klezmer, Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Jesusita en Chihuahua
The Devil Among the Tailors
The Black Cat Rag
American Patrol (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Desafinado (Slightly Out of Tune) (Very Easy Level)
A la Nanita Nana
Old Folks at Home (Swanee River)
Muss I denn zum Städtele hinaus
Dermot O'Dowd
Don't Leave Me (Gipsy Romance)
Salsa (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
Água de Beber (Advanced Level) (MTB Exam version)
Corazon Espinado (Advanced Level)
Clandestino (Beginner Level)
The Irish Rover (Easy Level)
Clarinet Polka
Rheinlander Polka
The Barley Break
Odeon – Tango Brasileiro
Água de Beber (Easy Level)