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Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smoke on the Water
Come As You Are (Beginner Level)
Enter Sandman (Intermediate Level, Rhythm Guitar)
La Grange (Easy Level, Rhythm Guitar)
Californication (Beginner Level)
Money for Nothing (Intermediate Level, Lead Guitar)
Money for Nothing (Advanced Level, Lead Guitar)
Money for Nothing (Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Johnny B. Goode (Intermediate Level, Lead Guitar)
Come As You Are (Easy Level)
Hey Joe (Intermediate Level, Electric Guitar 1)
Come As You Are - Original Version (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Hey Joe (Advanced Level, Electric Guitar 1)
Californication (Easy Level)
Sweet Home Alabama (Intermediate Level, Rhythm Guitar)
Hey Joe (Easy Level, Electric Guitar 1)
Seven Nation Army (Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Seven Nation Army (Very Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Crazy Train (Advanced Level, Lead Guitar)
Crazy Train (Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Johnny B. Goode (Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Johnny B. Goode (Very Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Mary Had a Little Lamb (Advanced Level)
Sweet Home Alabama (Very Easy Level, Rhythm Guitar)
Crazy Train (Intermediate Level, Lead Guitar)
Sunshine of Your Love (Easy Level, Lead Guitar)
Sweet Home Alabama (Easy Level, Rhythm Guitar)
Sunshine of Your Love (Intermediate Level, Lead Guitar)
Sunshine of Your Love (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Lead Guitar)