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Vehaeir Eineinu (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Very Easy)
Sher (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Beginner)
Sher (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Easy)
The Blessing Nigun (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Easy)
Let's Sing (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Intermediate)
Água de Beber (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
All Through the Night (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
All Through the Night (Easy Level, Tenor Sax)
Desafinado (Slightly Out of Tune) (Very Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Carnaval de Sao Vicente (Very Easy Level, Tenor Sax)
Petit Pays (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Clandestino (Beginner Level, Tenor Sax)
Pata Pata (Easy/Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
Rocky Road to Dublin (Beginner Level, Alto Sax)
The Hundred Pipers (Very Easy Level, Tenor Sax)
The Hundred Pipers (Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
By the Beautiful Sea (Tenor Sax)
Freilechs von der Chuppe (Tenor Sax)
Stenka Razin (Tenor Sax)
Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus (Tenor Sax)
The Apple from the Orchard (Tenor Sax)
Banaha (Alto Saxophone)
Uri Tzion (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Very Easy)
Ki Mitziyon (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Very Easy)
Vehaeir Eineinu (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Very Easy)
Sher (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
The Sound of Safed (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Very Easy)
The Blessing Nigun (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)