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Le Noël des enfants du monde
Petit Papa Noël
Holding Back the Years
The Marriage of Figaro, K.492 - Dove sono - SOPRANO
No One
Né en 17 à Leidenstadt
Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 - The Notebook of Anna Magdalena - MEZZO
Today I Sing the Blues
Walk On By
Relax, Take It Easy
Tout là-haut
Halo (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Aladdin - A Whole New World (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 - Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben - SOPRANO
La bohème, SC 67 - Sì, mi chiamano Mimì - SOPRANO
Sister Act 2 - Oh Happy Day (Intermediate Level, Accompaniment Guitar)
Blueberry Hill
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Walk on the Wild Side
Can't Stop
Certe notti
La Javanaise
What's Love Got to Do with It
St Louis Blues
Dalmatian Cradle Song
Ukranian Folk Songs - No. 2 In the Garden Flowers are Growing