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Kingston Town (Intermediate Level)
Pata Pata (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Land of Hope and Glory
Sher (Klezmer)
Mediatsinerwaltz (Klezmer)
Corazon Espinado (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Dos gardenias (Easy Level)
Wind, Tell My Sweetheart (Gypsy Song)
Se canto (Flute 1)
Freilachs fun Gilrod un Sadler (Klezmer)
Raglan Road (Intermediate Level)
Let's Sing (Klezmer)
Oh! Susanna (Flute 1)
Home of the Range (Flute 1)
Firn di Mekhutonim Aheym (Klezmer)
O sole mio (Easy Level)
Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds) - Klezmer
By the Clear Fountain (Flute 1)
Shiroh Hora
Finnish Folk Song
The Mexican Hat Dance
Shlof Main Kind (Klezmer)
Freilechs von der Chuppe
The Rakes O'Mallow
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
J'ai du bon tabac (I Have Good Tobacco) (Flute 1)
Carnaval de Sao Vicente (Advanced Level)
The March of the Men of Harlech