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The Twelve Days of Christmas (Beginner Level)
Oh My Darling, Clementine (Very Easy Level)
Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy - Ukraine National Anthem
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Easy Level)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (Intermediate Level)
Molly Malone (Intermediate Level)
Home of the Range (Clarinet 1)
Riding on a Donkey
Coco - La Llorona (Easy Level)
Rocky Road to Dublin (Easy Level)
Go to sleep (Clarinet 1)
Petit Papa Noël (Advanced Level)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Very Easy Level)
The Hundred Pipers (Very Easy Level)
Molly Malone (Easy Level)
The March of the Men of Harlech
By the Clear Fountain (Clarinet 1)
The House of The Rising Sun (Advanced Level)
A la Nanita Nana
Il est né le divin enfant (He is born, the divine Child) (Very Easy Level)
Tzur Chassidi
The Londonderry Air
Don't Leave Me (Gipsy Romance)
El Condor Pasa