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De Sul Vyttyn (Celtic)
Água de Beber (Intermediate Level)
The Mexican Hat Dance
Scotland the Brave
La Partida
Salsa (Intermediate Level)
Oye Como Va (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Rheinlander Polka
Ashokan Farewell (Easy Level)
Oh My Darling, Clementine (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Se canto (Clarinet 1)
Siete de Abril
Hungarian Romance - The Sleigh Ride
Lambada (Easy Level)
Desafinado (Slightly Out of Tune) (Easy Level)
Clandestino (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Oye Como Va (Easy Level)
Shiroh Hora
Three Little Birds (Beginner Level)
Carnaval de Sao Vicente (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Oh My Darling, Clementine (Very Easy Level)
The Hundred Pipers (Advanced Level)
English Ballad (Clarinet 1)
American Patrol (Intermediate Level)
Carnaval de Sao Vicente (Intermediate Level)
Pata Pata (Intermediate Level)
Kingston Town (Intermediate/Advanced Level)