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Don Giovanni, K. 527 - Là ci darem la mano (Easy Level)
Erbarme dich, mein Gott, BWV 244 (Easy Level)
Preghiera (Intermediate Level)
The Marriage of Figaro, K.492 - Dove sono (Easy Level)
Dioclesian, Z.627 - Since from My Dear Astrea's Sight (Very Easy Level)
Dioclesian, Z.627 - Since from my dear Astrea's sight (Intermediate Level)
All Through the Night (Beginner Level)
We Have All the Time in the World (Very Easy Level)
Lady D'Arbanville (Easy Level)
La ballade nord-irlandaise (Very Easy Level)
Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Easy Level)
La Soledad (Easy Level)
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Main Theme (Easy Level)
6 Lieder Op. 1 - No. 3 Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? (Easy Level)
6 Lieder Op. 1 - No. 1 Schwanenlied (Very Easy Level)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Very Easy Level)
Don Giovanni, K. 527 - Deh! vieni alla finestra (Very Easy Level)
Silent Night (Very Easy Level)
Te Deum, H. 146 - Prelude (Very Easy Level)
Te Deum, H. 146 - Prelude (Very Easy Level) - Short version (MTB Exam version)
Il Mistero (Easy/Intermediate Level)
O Holy Night (Very Easy Level, Jumaane Smith version)
Il est né le divin enfant (He is born, the divine Child) (Very Easy Level)
The Star-Spangled Banner - National Anthem of the United States (Easy Level)
Only Time (Very Easy Level)
Dust in the Wind (Easy Level)
Giustino - Vedro con mio diletto (Very Easy Level)