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The Hundred Pipers (Very Easy Level)
One Kitten Two Kittens
Se canto (Flute 2)
Se canto (Flute 3)
The House of The Rising Sun (Easy Level)
Freut euch des Lebens (Life Let Us Cherish)
Angels We Have Heard on High (Beginner Level)
English Ballad (Flute 3)
Riding on a Donkey
J'ai du bon tabac (I Have Good Tobacco) (Flute 3)
We shall not be moved
The Barley Break
Oh! Susanna (Flute 2)
Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus
Away in a Manger (Very Easy Level, with Orchestra)
Sweet Kitty
The Apple from the Orchard
By the Clear Fountain (Flute 3)
Raglan Road (Beginner Level)
Raglan Road (Easy Level)
A Rose There Bloomed
Molly Malone (Beginner Level)
Seven Drunken Nights (Easy Level)