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Lieder und Gesänge - Vol. 1, No. 5 Phantasie (Imagination) (Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)
Carmina Burana - O Fortuna (Easy/Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
Stabat Mater, RV 621 - I. Stabat mater dolorosa (Very Easy Level, Alto Sax)
Cessate, omai cessate, RV 684 - Ah, ch'infelice sempre (Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)
L'elisir d'amore (The Elixir of Love) - Quanto è bella, quanto è cara (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Tomplay Scales, Vol. 1 - No. 2 G major (Tenor Saxophone)
Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550 - I. Molto Allegro (Easy Level, Alto Sax)
Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550 - I. Molto Allegro (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
1812 Overture, Opus 49 - Andante (Tenor Sax)
Album for the Young, Opus 68, Book I - No. 10 The Merry Peasant (Tenor Sax)
La jaca de Terciopelo (Alto Saxophone)
Oberon - The Mermaid's Song (Alto Saxophone)
An Alexis (Alto Saxophone)
Surprise Symphony, No. 94 - II. Andante (Tenor Sax)
Lied der Freiheit (Freedom Song), K. 506 (Tenor Sax)
Songs of Youth, Opus 1 (Cuentos de la juventud) - No. 1 Dedication (Alto Saxophone)
Sonatina No.3 in C major - III. Rondo. Allegro (Alto Saxophone)
Pas Redoublés No. 5 (Alto Saxophone)
Pas Redoublés No. 5 (Tenor Sax)
Massa's in the Cold Ground (Tenor Sax)
Liebeslieder Walzer No. 9, Opus 52 (Alto Saxophone)
Menuet (Alto Saxophone)
6 Easy Pieces, Opus 22 – No. 1 Andante (Tenor Sax)
Wolsey's Wilde (Alto Saxophone)
5 Mystical Songs - IV. The Call (Tenor Sax)
Polka (Tenor Sax)