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Black Hole Sun
Crazy Train
Say It Ain't So, Joe
So Amazing
Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) – Gurenge
This is What it Feels Like
Just an Illusion
Lord Don't Move The Mountain
A Fool for Your Stockings
Song for peace. Middle East - Sufi song: invitation to Love
Nora Luca, Gypsy song (Eastern Europe), Supplication to God
Lindràji szi, Gypsy song (Hungary), Evocation of the road
Je ne suis pas un héros
Let Her Go
Le jour s'est levé
Damn Right, I've Got the Blues
Madama Butterfly - Un bel di vedremo - SOPRANO
Ta reine
Lean On Me
Hamilton - The Room Where it Happens
Wonderful Life
El Triste
(Simply) The Best
The Fool on the Hill