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Amore mio
Casca l'uliva, Italy (Abruzzo), Song of the olive-pickers
We Three Kings of Orient Are
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) (Easy/Intermediate Level, Voice, Piano comp.) - English lyrics
Molly Malone
O Holy Night (French lyrics)
Angels We Have Heard on High (Easy/Intermediate Level, Voice, Piano comp.) - English lyrics
Aj tu diri, Gypsy (Hungary), Sung dialogue
La Cucaracha
Ukranian Folk Songs - No. 2 In the Garden Flowers are Growing
Away in a Manger (English lyrics)
Scarborough Fair
Lindràji szi, Gypsy song (Hungary), Evocation of the road
The Eagle's Waltz, Russia, Shaman's song
Mille Stelle (A Thousand Stars), Corsican Lullaby
Joy to the World (English lyrics)
Gelino, Georgia, Song of Love
Normu Jovna (Heyo lei), Lapland, Joik or shamanic invocation
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Minuit, Chrétiens
Tutti frutti, Gypsy (Roumania) - A dancing song for marriages and funerals
Away in a Manger (Easy/Intermediate Level, Voice, Piano comp.) - English lyrics
Kak na polie, Russia (Siberia) - Spinning song
Nora Luca, Gypsy song (Eastern Europe), Supplication to God
Noël nouvelet
Dona, Dona
La Nòvia