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40 Variations for Violin, No.25
40 Variations for Violin, No.22
40 Variations for Violin, No.27
The Mill (I Møllen)
Dejlig er Jorden (Lovely Is the Earth)
Miss Helyett
Rocking Horse
Cradle Song, Opus 11, No. 2
Dido and Aeneas - Ah! Belinda
Oberon - The Mermaid's Song
An Alexis
Blow Thy Horn Hunter
Fine Knacks for Ladies
Orchésographie - Buffens
Piano Sonata No. 5 in G major, Hob.XVI:11 - I. Presto
Moravian Folk Song No. 2
The Apple from the Orchard
Riding on a Donkey
Pit A Pat Rain
Go Tell Aunt Nancy
Bulgarian Nursery Rhyme
Fast Dance
In the Monastery
The Gossip
At Prayer
Album for the Young, Opus 68, Book II – No. 40 Northern Song
Partita in B-flat major, BWV 825 - VI. Menuet II