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Wellerman (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Ashokan Farewell
Amazing Grace
Wellerman (Easy Level)
Happy Birthday (Very Easy Level)
Morisson's Jig (Violin 1)
Bella Ciao
Perfect (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
The Irish Rover (Easy/Intermediate Level)
The Athol Highlanders (Celtic)
The Mason's Apron
Happy Birthday (Easy Level)
Oh Danny Boy
La Paloma
Besame Mucho (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Tico Tico no Fuba
La Bamba
Tarantella Napoletana
The First Noël (Easy Level, Duet)
El Choclo
Besame Mucho (Intermediate/Advanced Level)
The Forgotten Highland (Celtic)
Oh My Beloved Father (O mio babbino caro)
The New Rigged Ship (Celtic)
Dark Eyes