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Molly Malone (Easy Level, Alto Sax)
Sakura (Tenor Sax)
Wind, Tell My Sweetheart (Gypsy Song) (Tenor Sax)
Firn di Mekhutonim Aheym (Klezmer, Alto Saxophone)
Freilachs fun Gilrod un Sadler (Klezmer, Alto Saxophone)
Greensleeves (Very Easy Level, Alto Sax)
Donna (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
Rozhinkes mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds) (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
Zemer Atik (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Intermediate)
The Blessing Nigun (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Intermediate)
Three Little Birds (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Lambada (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Pata Pata (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
Ashokan Farewell (Easy Level, Tenor Sax)
Abi Gezunt (Alto Saxophone)
Beija-Flor (Tenor Sax)
Freut euch des Lebens (Life Let Us Cherish) (Alto Saxophone)
Sailor's Song (Alto Saxophone)
The Black Cat Rag (Tenor Sax)
Salsa (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
Lambada (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
Kingston Town (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
American Patrol (Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)
O sole mio (Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Klezmeron (Klezmer, Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
The Hundred Pipers (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)