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We shall not be moved (Alto Saxophone)
The Sky is Blue and White (Taivas on sininen ja valkoinen) (Alto Saxophone)
Sweet Kitty (Alto Saxophone)
The Black Cat Rag (Tenor Sax)
Shlof Main Kind (Klezmer, Tenor Sax)
Uri Tzion (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Easy)
Sher (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Beginner)
Sher (Klezmer, Tenor Sax, Intermediate)
Let's Sing (Klezmer, Alto Sax, Intermediate)
Salsa (Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
Three Little Birds (Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
Lambada (Very Easy Level, Soprano Sax)
Kingston Town (Intermediate/Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
Kingston Town (Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
Corazon Espinado (Intermediate Level, Soprano Sax)
Carnaval de Sao Vicente (Advanced Level, Soprano Sax)
Clandestino (Beginner Level, Tenor Sax)
The Water is Wide (Easy Level, Tenor Sax)
Klezmeron (Klezmer, Easy/Intermediate Level, Tenor Sax)
Por una Cabeza (Tenor Sax)
Siete de Abril (Tenor Sax)
Stenka Razin (Alto Saxophone)
Tzur Chassidi (Alto Saxophone)
Dermot O'Dowd (Tenor Sax)
The Devil Among the Tailors (Tenor Sax)
Firn di Mekhutonim Aheym (Klezmer, Tenor Sax)
Freilachs fun Gilrod un Sadler (Klezmer, Tenor Sax)
Scarborough Fair (Beginner Level, Tenor Sax)
Scarborough Fair (Very Easy Level, Tenor Sax)