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Seven Drunken Nights (Easy/Intermediate Level)
Bow down, O Belinda
Mediatsinerwaltz (Klezmer)
Red Dovidla Nigun (Klezmer)
Cielito Lindo (Easy/Intermediate Level)
7:40:00 PM (Klezmer)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) (Easy Level)
Il est né le divin enfant (He is born, the divine Child) (Easy Level)
Let's Sing (Klezmer)
Deck the Halls (Violin 2)
Scarborough Fair (Beginner Level)
On the Bridge of Avignon
We Wish you a Merry Christmas (Quartet - Violin 2)
Si Ji Ge (Song of Four Seasons)
Morisson's Jig (Violin 2)
The Londonderry Air
Angels We Have Heard on High (Easy Level)
El Cóndor Pasa (If I Could) (Very Easy Level)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Easy Level, in E minor)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) (Easy/Intermediate Level)
A la Nanita Nana
Scarborough Fair (Upper Advanced Level)
Scotland the Brave
The Skye Boat Song
Shiroh Hora
Firn di Mekhutonim Aheym (Klezmer)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Easy Level)
Scarborough Fair (Intermediate Level)
Joy to the World (Quartet - Violin 2)