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Seven Drunken Nights (Easy Level)
By the Clear Fountain (Open string arr.)
Pirouette, cacahuète (Il était un petit homme) (Open string arr.)
Alouette (Open string arr.)
Oh My Darling, Clementine (Intermediate Level)
The Hundred Pipers (Very Easy Level)
Cadet Rousselle
Go to sleep
Molly Malone (Easy Level)
Angels We Have Heard on High (Very Easy Level)
Prom'nons-nous dans les bois
Il était un petit navire (There was a Little Ship)
The Chicken Cheeps
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Greek Wedding
All Through the Night (Easy/Intermediate Level)
The Hobby Horse
A la claire fontaine
En passant par la Lorraine
Lightly Row
Angels from the Realms of Glory (Easy Level)
Charlie Is My Darling (Violin 1)
Let's Play Together (Violin 1)
Abi Gezunt
Gypsy Ballad
Cielito Lindo (Easy Level)