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Pop! Goes the Weasel
Children Playing
Slovak Song
Gypsy Ballad
Tim the Thatcher (Violin 2)
Go Down Moses
Qué Hacés Chamberguito?
The Rune of the Weaver
Scotland the Brave (Violin 2)
Il pleut, il pleut, bergère (It's Raining, It's Raining, Shepherdess)
Por una Cabeza (in G Major, Upper Advanced Level, Violin 1)
All Through the Night (Very Easy Level)
Stenka Razin
Finnish Folk Song
The Fascinator
Ukranian Dance
Morris Dance
Over the Hills and Far Away
L'Empereur, sa femme et le petit prince
All Through the Night (Easy Level)
Pastime with Good Company
Circassian March (Violin 2)
We shall not be moved
Freut euch des Lebens (Life Let Us Cherish)
Let's Play Together (Violin 2)
Il court, il court, le furet (Open string arr.)
My Canadian Girl